Zakah Calculator

What is zakat and When is it required?

Zakat is obligatory on the money of Muslims if the conditions and the nisab for zakat that are specifies in the Sharia are available, and the condition for zakat on the money is that the money is stayed one year- Hijri year.

To whom it is obligatory?

It is obligatory for every Muslim, whether male or female, old and young, sane and insane.

How to calculate zakat on money?

It is done by dividing the total amount for which zakat is to be paid by 40. Suppose that the amount from which zakat is to be paid is 100.000 $, zakat is calculated as follows: 100.000/40 = 2.500 $.

There is a second method which is done by dividing the total amount to be paid of zakat by a hundred and the result is multiplied by 2.50. For example, suppose that the amount from which zakat is to be paid is 100.000 $, so zakat is calculated as follows: 100.000/100 = 1000 x 2.50 = 2500 $.
