In-Kind Donors

Zakah Calculator

To calculate your zakat .. Please enter all the assets that you own during a whole year in the boxes below:

  • The Nisab for 24-carat gold is: 85 grams
  • The Nisab for silver is: 595 grams

Please check the conditions and controls for  zakat

Zakah Calculator

Zakah on Money
  • 0
Zakah on profits you earned
  • 0
Zakah on Gold

  • 0
write the amount of gold you own - gram
Zakah on owned Properties
  • 0
Monthly Rent for the owned property - EGP
Zakah on market shares
Zakah on Bonds you own in market

Life from Water foundation is a recipient of a Google Grants award. The Google Grants program supports registered nonprofit organizations that share Google’s philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts. Google Grants is an in-kind advertising program that awards free online advertising to nonprofits via Google AdWords.

Life from Water Foundation is made possible by a software donation from Microsoft.